Wellzee Comics

Hi! My name is Squire Wells and I am the creator of Scooterman The Comic Book (PG-13), Scootergirl International (G) and Shuckerboy (R)

I originally created Scooterman after an idea of writing a screenplay which never came to fruition. In 1990 I walked into a Movie Theater in Boston, Mass with my friend and watched the first Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Movie. In the credits I noticed that the Movie was based on the Comic Book “Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles” created by Kevin Eastman and Peter Laird. It was that day I decided I would create “Scooterman The Comic Book”. Who Cares right? LOL.

I decided to Self Publish my Comic Book which took 4 years to produce after failed relationships with several artists. Finally, I got a great artist and published the first comic book in 1994 while living in Key West, Florida. At the time the Comic Book Industry was dwindling down as Home Video Games were taking over Kids spare time. I had never really written or even really read Superhero Comic Books but decided I would be the writer as I knew the characters best. What transpired was a comic book with great art, mixed pages of storytelling and not the greatest writing I admit. I was still able to sell several thousand books doing Comic Book Shows in Orlando and Miami and other parts of Florida. Some people like Scooterman, some people do not. Same with The Power Rangers. Please keep in mind The Comic Book “Men in Black” went 3 issues. So did Scooterman. Can you compare the two? Both are Quirky. I do not consider myself a writer but more of an idea guy/producer. I do believe Scooterman would loan itself well to a Video Game, TV and licensed products and am totally open to collaboration with someone with the means and credentials. OK, so the NEW IDEA?!!!

I now have come to the fact that Scooters are like The Beach Boys, a brilliant Band and a Brilliant Vehicle but nobody will admit they like them, especially men. So now we have The Main Character Scott “Ryder’ Mann who hates Scooters and prefers Harleys… but the only vehicle left in the Virtual Game is the Scooter…can he prevail and win? ~ Squire Wells

BTW: THIS IS AN ACTION/COMEDY Producers and Writers Wanted for pitching this to Television and Gaming. Please Email me at SquireBuyer@gmail.com for more information.Thanks!

LOGLINE: After Losing his Job as a Bouncer Ryder Mann must find a way to make money. Riding to The State Fair he enters a Virtual Gaming Contest where he is forced to ride a Scooter as a vehicle.